
Showing posts from July, 2024


Sex is an important part of most healthy relationships. Besides seeking personal sexual pleasure , many of us also strive to ensure our partner's enjoyment. Some people find it easy to talk about these topics openly, naturally, and without any shame, while for others, it can be a bit more challenging. Even though they want to please their partner, they might not dare or know how to ask the right questions. Communicating openly about sex or other relationship matters is often hindered by our bad habits. Wasn't it supposed to be that lovers could read each other's most secret thoughts? Unfortunately, that's not the case. For sex to work well, you need to talk, and it's worth approaching such lists cautiously. Every woman and man is unique, with desires that create a blend unique to them, so not even the coolest male enhancement articles can give you a universal recipe. However, they can draw your attention to small details that might be worth asking your partner about...


We don't know what you think about singles, but we can definitely shed some light on the picture. If you live alone, read on for validation; if you're married, read on for perspective! Many myths about what is necessary for a happy, healthy, and normal life are being debunked these days. We no longer believe that women must have children before turning thirty. We see plenty of examples, if we're willing to open our eyes, that valuable relationships can exist between sex partners . We're starting to understand that someone can still be working even if they aren't in an office from 8 AM to 5 PM... However, the notion that a "normal" adult life includes marriage or at least a long-term relationship is still prevalent. This idea is most strongly contradicted by statistics. It can't be considered abnormal when it affects one-third of households. It's time to get used to the idea that living alone isn't necessarily a forced or transitional state; ma...