We don't know what you think about singles, but we can definitely shed some light on the picture. If you live alone, read on for validation; if you're married, read on for perspective!

Many myths about what is necessary for a happy, healthy, and normal life are being debunked these days. We no longer believe that women must have children before turning thirty. We see plenty of examples, if we're willing to open our eyes, that valuable relationships can exist between sex partners. We're starting to understand that someone can still be working even if they aren't in an office from 8 AM to 5 PM...

However, the notion that a "normal" adult life includes marriage or at least a long-term relationship is still prevalent. This idea is most strongly contradicted by statistics. It can't be considered abnormal when it affects one-third of households. It's time to get used to the idea that living alone isn't necessarily a forced or transitional state; many people consciously choose this lifestyle. And even if circumstances dictate it, it doesn't mean it's so bad.

Single People Have Better General Health

Singles exercise more. Research indicates that those who have always lived alone are the most concerned with their physical fitness, followed by divorced individuals. Married people rank last.

Single soldiers are more mentally resilient. Those who had always been single showed fewer symptoms of PTSD, were less likely to suffer from depression, recovered from injuries faster, and generally reported fewer mental or health issues.

Married women are more likely to gain weight. This is likely true for men as well, though there is less long-term research to support this.

Single women generally have better health, according to the National Health Interview Study.Single

 People Maintain Friendships, Family Ties, and Communities Better

Married individuals tend to loosen their connections with friends and parents. This isn't just during the honeymoon phase or first few years; it persists long-term.

Singles spend more time and attention on friends, extended family, and neighbors, not just because of children. This also applies to parents who are not married.

Married people also neglect their siblings more. Over time, marriage changes sibling relationships, causing them to drift apart. If a marriage ends in divorce, the divorced sibling often tries to reconnect.

Single people trust more people. When asked whom they trust and can rely on in times of need, both married and single individuals mention some family members. However, singles name more friends with whom they have no family ties.

Single individuals volunteer more enthusiastically for community and civil organization work.


Money and Work

Singles have less debt. This holds true even for married couples without children.

Singles prioritize meaningful work more. They are less likely to settle for jobs that merely pay the bills but do not feel valuable or purposeful.

Married men are less active professionally. Surveys show that after marriage, men participate less in professional events, clubs, or parties.

Married men also lose some of their altruism. They are less likely to help friends move, for instance, and they donate less to charity. This is despite the fact that married men generally earn more.

Before anyone rushes to refute these claims with a counterexample, it's worth considering that these are just statistics, highlighting a few aspects of life. However, they do indicate that being single is not necessarily unhealthy, unhappy, or socially unproductive.


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