Five Myths About Sex That Make Our Lives Harder
Five Myths About Sex That Make Our Lives Harder The following summary is based on the findings of Rachel Hills, who has been exploring sexual topics for nearly a decade. In her book, The Sex Myth: The Gap Between Our Fantasies and Reality , she writes about myths, legends, and misconceptions related to sex. Let’s take a look at what she found! If You Don’t Have Tons of Sex When You’re Young, Something’s Wrong with You Hills herself once felt that everyone but her was attending wild orgies or, at the very least, getting involved in steamy sexual encounters daily or every other day. Hills, who lost her virginity only after her college years, points out that a study found college students have significantly less sex than people generally think. According to a survey from New York University, while 72% of college students have some kind of relationship before graduation, 40% said they had only been with three or fewer people during their college years, and only one-third had engaged in se...