What Do Happy Couples Do Before Bed?
They Don't Just Turn Off Their Phones
There are a few small things to pay attention to in the evening if someone wants a long-lasting relationship. Here's what happy couples do differently.
Nowadays, couples have very little free time for each other amidst work and other obligations. Most people only see their partners in the evening or late afternoon during the week. That's why it's so important that the few hours spent together are truly quality time. The pre-sleep routine can greatly influence the relationship between two people: it can lead to distancing and weakening of the bond in the long run, or it can strengthen and stabilize it. Experts have shared what happy couples do before and after going to bed: these habits enhance intimacy and can ensure a long-lasting relationship.
Going to Bed at the Same Time
To ensure that there is that little bit of time spent together every day, it's important for couples to go to bed at the same time. Although this is often not easy, couples therapist Kurt Smith suggests trying to arrange activities so that both partners go to bed around the same time. This habit allows them to tune into each other, have conversations, create intimacy, and of course, avoid one person falling asleep before the other joins them in bed.
The Forbidden Topic: Work
It's well known that turning off or at least silencing phones before bed is mandatory if one wants to prevent messages, calls, and work emails from ruining their private and love life. However, many people make the mistake of talking about the day's problems and difficulties late at night in the bedroom. This can lead to distancing and a colder relationship. Happy couples do not mention work, financial issues, or other stress-inducing topics in bed. Instead, they talk about personal matters that bring them closer and cheer them up.
Compliments, Kindness, and Gratitude
Psychologist Ryan Howes suggests that everyone should say a few kind words to their partner before going to sleep, such as complimenting them, telling them how much they were missed during the day, or thanking them for doing the dishes or shopping. These small gestures are significant, and those in happy relationships express gratitude for every kind act from their partner. Doing this in the evening before sleep can reinforce love and help partners feel appreciated and loved.
Hugs and Goodnight Kisses
In a balanced relationship, partners never forget the power of touch. They don't fall asleep without cuddling, hugging, or kissing, as these actions strengthen intimacy and, thanks to the release of hormones, make the bond even stronger. Not to mention their stress-relieving and happiness-boosting effects.
Is Going to Bed Angry Really a Bad Idea?
Kurt Smith says that, ideally, it’s best not to go to sleep angry, but if a serious issue hasn't been resolved by bedtime, it's not advisable to continue the argument in bed. Both partners are usually tired by then and more irritable, which can escalate the argument. In such cases, couples might say things they wouldn't normally think of, which they might regret the next morning. It's better to take a break, get some rest, and discuss the difficulties the next day when both are more rested and have had time to think through the situation.