
This is What Most People Get Wrong About Sex

Men and women were asked about the most common mistakes the opposite gender makes in bed. Here are the lists of the most bothersome issues. In bed, everyone’s preferences differ slightly. People find different things arousing and require varying movements and tempos to experience the most intense pleasure. This is why it’s crucial for couples to talk openly and regularly about sex - to share what they need to make their intimate moments truly satisfying. Partners should express what brings them strong enjoyment and also what they find uncomfortable or distracting. Unfortunately, many people struggle to be honest about their desires and opinions with their partners, even though it’s so important. A study sought to address this issue by asking individuals what they think the opposite gender gets wrong most often in bed. The Most Annoying Mistakes Men Make in Sex, According to Women The website Illicit Encounters surveyed 2,000 people online and compiled lists of the most bothersome mista...

What Do Happy Couples Do Before Bed?

They Don't Just Turn Off Their Phones There are a few small things to pay attention to in the evening if someone wants a long-lasting relationship. Here's what happy couples do differently. Nowadays, couples have very little free time for each other amidst work and other obligations. Most people only see their partners in the evening or late afternoon during the week. That's why it's so important that the few hours spent together are truly quality time. The pre-sleep routine can greatly influence the relationship between two people: it can lead to distancing and weakening of the bond in the long run, or it can strengthen and stabilize it. Experts have shared what happy couples do before and after going to bed: these habits enhance intimacy and can ensure a long-lasting relationship. Going to Bed at the Same Time To ensure that there is that little bit of time spent together every day, it's important for couples to go to bed at the same time. Although this is often n...

Five Myths About Sex That Make Our Lives Harder

Five Myths About Sex That Make Our Lives Harder The following summary is based on the findings of Rachel Hills, who has been exploring sexual topics for nearly a decade. In her book, The Sex Myth: The Gap Between Our Fantasies and Reality , she writes about myths, legends, and misconceptions related to sex. Let’s take a look at what she found! If You Don’t Have Tons of Sex When You’re Young, Something’s Wrong with You Hills herself once felt that everyone but her was attending wild orgies or, at the very least, getting involved in steamy sexual encounters daily or every other day. Hills, who lost her virginity only after her college years, points out that a study found college students have significantly less sex than people generally think. According to a survey from New York University, while 72% of college students have some kind of relationship before graduation, 40% said they had only been with three or fewer people during their college years, and only one-third had engaged in se...

Seemingly Harmless Habits that Reveal a Serial Cheater

Certain behaviors and habits can easily expose a cheater: experts have revealed what raises suspicion. Even a single infidelity results in a tsunami of lies if the unfaithful partner doesn't confess to their act, which only grows with repeated cheating. In these cases, the other person's behavior often changes slightly. According to experts, there are certain habits that suggest a partner has a long-term lover or has repeatedly engaged in one-night stands while being in a committed relationship. Naturally, these don't always indicate cheating, but they can raise strong suspicions, especially if someone notices all of them in their partner. Unpredictability and Fear of Routines According to dating expert Kevin Darné, serial cheaters try to avoid establishing too many habits or stable routines with their partner right from the beginning of the relationship. This way, they can more easily create a free evening and fit in a meeting with their lover. Their unpredictability also...

The 5 Secrets of the Entire Sexual Satisfaction

Finding something is hard if we don't know exactly what we're looking for. Think for a moment: what does satisfaction mean to you? What do you need to be satisfied and find sex fulfilling? And what do you think your partner needs for the same? How satisfied we are with our sexual lives affects the quality of our relationships. Even when we talk about what feels good and what we desire, we often don't mean the same thing by certain terms. Sex psychologist Angela Watson has outlined the key factors that determine our sexual satisfaction. The following tips not only improve sexual encounters but also help avoid a lot of tension and misunderstandings between partners. #1 Learn to Communicate Openly One of the most important things is to create a safe environment where both partners can share their thoughts, feelings, and desires. No matter what happens, remember that both of you are on the same side, with a shared interest in having satisfying sexual experiences . Many of us fe...

Your Friends Have Sex Much Less Than You Think

  According to a study, people greatly misestimate how often their friends' relationships involve sex each month . A lot of people are driven by curiosity about others' private lives. While many may not want to delve into the lives of complete strangers, they often want to peek into their friends' lives to see how they differ, what they do differently, and what they have more or less of. When people don’t receive specific information, they tend to make assumptions about more intimate details, such as how often their friends have sex. It turns out that almost everyone guesses wrong about the frequency of their friends' intimate moments. Do Your Friends Really Have Less Sex? As part of a large survey participants were asked how many times they think couples aged 18 to 29 had sex in the past four weeks. On average, respondents guessed 14 times, but this number is much higher than the actual data. Researchers revealed that an average couple usually has sex about four to fi...

6 Signs of Almost Palpable Sexual Tension

  Have you met someone and felt like you needed to fan yourself by the end of the conversation? Did the air almost sizzle between you on the date? But by the time you got home, you were convincing yourself that it was just the approaching summer, and you were seeing something that wasn’t there? First, let us stop you right there: don’t overthink it! Now, let us reassure you that you weren’t imagining the sexual tension. Yes, even the blind could see there was something between you. The following 6 signs unmistakably prove that there is indeed a spark between you two. Read The Body Language Sometimes the smallest signs are enough to sense mutual sexual tension – such as touches. A gentle brush on the arm. Leaning in closer during conversation. These body language signals all indicate that there’s something between you. If you can delve deeper, try to assess how alive and in tune with your body you feel around them. Adrenaline Rushes There are invisible signs as well. Like the rush o...