This is What Most People Get Wrong About Sex
Men and women were asked about the most common mistakes the opposite gender makes in bed. Here are the lists of the most bothersome issues. In bed, everyone’s preferences differ slightly. People find different things arousing and require varying movements and tempos to experience the most intense pleasure. This is why it’s crucial for couples to talk openly and regularly about sex - to share what they need to make their intimate moments truly satisfying. Partners should express what brings them strong enjoyment and also what they find uncomfortable or distracting. Unfortunately, many people struggle to be honest about their desires and opinions with their partners, even though it’s so important. A study sought to address this issue by asking individuals what they think the opposite gender gets wrong most often in bed. The Most Annoying Mistakes Men Make in Sex, According to Women The website Illicit Encounters surveyed 2,000 people online and compiled lists of the most bothersome mista...